Once all the pieces are in place, you just need to kick it all into gear, so to speak. Specifically, you need to:

  1. Launch the test(s) in your online testing tool.

  2. Put the real test addresses (URLs) into your invitations (web, email, etc.).

  3. Post any web pages you need (explanation pages, terms and conditions, etc.).

  4. Send your invitations (email, social media, etc.).

  5. Notify your support channels that the study is now running, with an estimated duration.

Timing the launch

Does it matter which day of the week (or month) you launch? Are Mondays better than Fridays, for example?

For studies with the general public, timing is not usually an issue. People visit websites and read their email and social-media feeds throughout the week, so any day is OK to launch your study.

If you’re targeting businesspeople, then early in the week is usually better than later, because fewer people will visit business-user sites or read business email over a weekend.

The main thing to watch for is periods where your target audience is especially likely (or unlikely) to respond to your invitation. For example, don’t count on getting many farmers to participate during harvest, or university faculty during winter break.

It’s also a good idea to launch when you have time to deal with any problems that may crop up. Tree tests aren’t usually prone to operational problems, but best to be available anyway.


Next: Monitoring the test's progress