When users visit your website, whether they arrive at the home page or a deeper page, they usually skim the main content first, in the top center of the page. After all, a certain piece of content is really what they’re after.

However, they are also starting to build a mental model of your site. This model includes:

Finding the right content the first time

If the content satisfied them, they may leave (which is great – you answered their question instantly – well done!).

Or they may decide that this site is pretty good and see what else you have that they want, in which case they’ll need a way to see where they are, what’s available, and how to get there.

A clearly visible main navigation, showing the top-level sections of your site and where the user currently is, is what your visitor is looking for and expecting.


Providing a safety net                 

If the initial page did not satisfy our visitor, they’re likely to ask themselves two very quick questions: