Drafting a bunch of possible trees is a great thing to do, because it makes us entertain new (and sometimes unconventional) ideas, and because it makes us think hard about what users will do.

We could test all of these draft trees, and if we only have 2 or 3 of them, that’s probably the right thing to do at this early stage.

However, if we’ve been creative and come up with a larger number of trees, it’s best at this stage to do some triage – review the trees and decide which are the most promising (and feasible, given our content).


Triaging the draft trees

We typically do this “tree triage” by:

In the triage workshop (which is 60-90 minutes long, depending on how many trees we need to review), we:

At this point, we usually give standardized names to our candidate trees so we can easily identify them later. For example:


Fleshing out the candidates

Now that we’ve picked the trees we want to test, we need to flesh them out.

Earlier, we recommended that when you “rough out” a tree, you only create the top 2 or 3 levels, and you don’t get stuck on wording. This is time saved for the trees that you discarded during your triage.

For the trees that made the cut, we now need to think through the whole tree. This means:

Checking coverage of content

Once we have decided on which trees to test, we also need to make sure that they represent all the content that we plan to include in our website.

It’s likely that we’ve covered all the major topics, but how can we be sure we’ve covered the minor ones too? Remember, if we miss something here, then discover it later (after testing, or even worse, during development), it may be painful to retrofit. Better to take the time now to make sure.

There is no magical way that we’ve discovered to check coverage of content. It’s simply a matter of comparing, line by line, our list of planned content to our candidate trees, and making sure that each tree accounts for all the content.



Next: Posing questions about tree elements