"What is tree testing?"

"How does it improve my website?"

"How do I run a good tree test?"

Tree Testing for Websites is a community guide to the "tree test" method - a quick, quantitative way to making things easier to find on your website.

  • If you're just getting started, this guide offers step-by-step instructions for running a good test and analyzing the results.
  • If you have previously run tree tests, you'll find tips on how to run more advanced (and more effective) tests, and solutions to the most common mistakes that people make.
  • If you have additional wisdom to share, become a contributor to our guide!



  • change all to gerunds? (…ing) 
  • (global) link to specific page
  • (global) “we” vs. “you” vs. “I” – prefer “we” when talking collectively?

  • (global) terms - heading vs. topic 
  • check all chapter landing pages for all subtopics