List of all templates




Explained in...




Explained in...

tree test - planning questions v3.doc

MS Word

A list of questions to ask when first scoping and planning a tree-test study

Documenting our plan

Tree test - checklist.xls

MS Excel

A detailed checklist of everything we do in a tree-testing project

Documenting our plan

sample email invitation.docx

MS Word

An effective email invitation for recruiting participants

Writing a good invitation

sample explanation page.docx

MS Word

A typical explanation page that describes the study and links to it

Using web ads

sample terms and conditions.docx

MS Word

A template for the terms & conditions of a study with a prize draw

Writing supporting text

Interim update email

text in article

An email template for keeping stakeholders informed about the progress of the study

Keeping stakeholders informed

audiences and channels.xlsx

MS Excel

A spreadsheet for tracking which media channels we'll use to recruit which audiences

Coordinating audiences and channels

sample findings matrix.xlsx

MS Excel

A spreadsheet for recording findings across tasks and across trees

Recording findings

sample report deck.pptx


A slide deck with sample content for reporting results

Reporting in more depth


Copyright © 2024 Dave O'Brien

This guide is covered by a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.